Install ME

Download and Install


  1. Docker for Mac v1.12 or higher
    1. Bash shell
  2. Docker for Windows v1.12 or higher
  3. Docker for Linux environments
  4. Familar with Unix CLI (macOS) or Window Powershell

Tugbot in your environment

Download Tugbot to run in your own cluster. Tugbot consists of 3 services:

  1. Tugbot Run
  2. Tugbot Collect
  3. Tugbot Results Service API

Example - DockerCon 2016 Voting App with Tugbot


See Pre-Requisites

Example Voting App DEMO

  1. Go to the gaia-docker/example-voting-app repo
  2. Copy the URL by clicking on the Clone or Download
  3. Run git clone
  4. cd example-voting-app/
  5. Follow the instructions in the file to run the demo scripts in the following order:

    1. run ./ - This deploys the voting app. The first time, it will automatically pull the relevant Docker images. It consists of 5 services. You can check that the 5 services are running by doing a docker ps. You should see 5 services running.
    2. run ./ - This deploys 5 additional services. 3 Tugbot services (Run, Collect, Results) and 2 additional services (ElasticSearch and Kibana). The first time, it will automatically pull the relevant Docker images. Running `docker ps should show 10 services running.
    3. run ./ to setup ElasticSearch and Kibana
    4. run ./ to run tugbot. Please note the 1st run needs to be triggered. Normally, this would be executed by an orchestration engine like Swarm, Kubernetes, or Mesos-Marathon.
    5. run ./ to introduce failures by deploying bad and good code. You can pass a parameter on the command like ./5.bug_on_off 3 to run 3 iterations.
    6. run ./ to introduce chaos in the system
    7. run ./ to cleanup by removing pumba, tests, and Tugbot
    8. run ./ to remove volume and networks. The volumes will remain in the filesystem. The all parameter will also delete the volumes.


See Pre-Requisites

Follow the instructions in the

  1. From the cloned directory - cd swarm

    1. run ./ (macOS)- This will create a new Swarm cluster on localhost. To control the number of worker nodes, use the NUM_WORKERS environment variable. Note: in case of failure try to run this script once again.
    2. To see your Swarm cluster, open Swarm Visualizer. You will need to download the ManoMarks visualizer
    3. The voting app will run at http://localhost:<x>5000
    4. The results app will run at http://localhost:<x>5001
    • where x represent worker index: 1,2,3… (check Swarm Visuzalizer for right index)

  2. Deploy Voting application:

    Run ./

  3. Deploy Tugbot Testing Framework:

    Run ./ - The following Docker services will run: es, kibana,tugbot-leader, tugbot-run, tugbot-collect and tugbot-result-service-es.

  4. Import Dashboard Setting Into Kibana:

    Run ./

    • Kibana dashboard is now accessible at http://localhost:<x>5601. NOTE: The UI is still not usable until tugbot sends at least 1 result to Elasticsearch.
  5. Execute Integration and Functional Tests:

    Run ./

    • Expected: ALL test must pass now. You should see now the test results in Kibana Dashboard
  6. Modify Application by injecting and fixing failures:

    Run ./

    • NOTE: This script will re ./ with bad and good version of Vote app
  7. Fix Application:

    Run ./

    • Expected: We returned the “Good” image, hence - All tests should pass now. You should see now the test results in Kibana Dashboard at http://localhost:5601
  8. Simulate network chaos: Run Pumba (as “interactive” Docker container) to introduce 3 seconds delay for all egress traffic from result-app container. Network emulation is activated every minute and lasts for 30 seconds only, after that connection is restored to work normally.

    Run ./ - Use Ctrl-C to stop Pumba

    • Expected: some test might fail now, but should pass, once network emulation stopped.
  9. Clean up Tugbot only:

    Run ./

  10. Clean up Tugbot and the voting app:

    Run ./

  11. To destroy local Swarm cluster:

    Run ./

NOTE: The scripts above will leave the volume on the docker host that is used by ElasticSearch.

You can verify the volume’s existence by running: docker volume ls. To remove the volume, run docker volume rm volume name.


Coming soon…